Giro555: United in action for emergency aid
When a humanitarian disaster hit, Giro555 takes action. We are ten aid organizations who fully commit to raising funds for affected communities. We sound the alarm and set up easy ways for the Dutch public to make donations. Together we save more lives.
Joining forces
Giro555 brings together ten leading aid organizations in the Netherlands: CARE Netherlands, Cordaid, Kerk in Actie, Netherlands Red Cross, Oxfam Novib, Plan International, Stichting Vluchteling, Terre des Hommes, UNICEF Netherlands, World Vision. We are more effective when setting up one campaign and combining our resources for one goal. We use one account to collect all donations, keeping the costs low. A joint appeal improves public reach and allows for a rapid response to emergencies. Combining our strengths delivers meaningful aid to people facing a humanitarian disaster.
Everyone can contribute
We provide in campaign materials so that everyone can take action for emergency relief. Media, businesses, sports clubs, places of worship, prominent Dutch individuals among others join the campaign and commit themselves to raising maximum funds for direct community support.
Transparency and impact
Giro555 keeps the Dutch public informed about the disaster, the relief efforts and how the donated money is spent. The proceeds are distributed to each organization to provide emergency aid. We strive for maximum transparency and provide periodical report on results. Together, we make a real difference.
Also read our ‘Organisational Regulations’ (in English)

De samenwerkende hulporganisaties achter Giro555:
Bij uitzonderlijke rampen slaan de 10 samenwerkende hulporganisaties de handen ineen onder de naam Giro555. Zij vragen heel Nederland zich aan te sluiten om geld in te zamelen voor hulp aan slachtoffers. Want samen redden we meer levens. Meer informatie